Photonics & AILU
Design for Laser Manufacture - Inspiring designers to 'think laser'

Submitting Your Material

Providing material for the Design for Laser Manufacture website
AILU members are invited to submit material for display on the Design for Laser manufacture site. Only material released for the public domain should be submitted.


Examples showing laser processing and laser fabricated components

Pictures should be provided in the form of originals or electronic files (about 1000 x 1000 pixels or greater), together with (for each):

  1. (Pre-embedded) A company logo stamp or watermark, preferably discrete, if desired.
  2. A suitable title.
  3. A description (<100 words) of the process or component, including the benefits of laser use. An indication of the laser and process parameters would be particularly helpful.
  4. The contact details of the originator and/or the owner of copyright.

Video clips

Examples showing laser processes or laser manufacture
File size is a particularly important issue for video clips on web sites, insomuch as large files can take a long time to download, but at the present time there are no restrictions on the size or format of submissions.
For each clip submitted we require:

  1. (Pre- embedded) A company logo stamp or watermark, preferably discrete, if desired.
  2. A suitable title.
  3. A short description (< 100 words) of the process or component being manufactured, including the benefits of laser use. An indication of the laser and process parameters would be particularly helpful.
  4. (optional) An extended description of the content of the video.
  5. The contact details of the originator and/or the owner of copyright, if known.


Documents describing a laser process, providing process data (speed etc) and or design requirements should be submitted in PDF format, preferably produced with under ‘smallest file size, optimized for web site’ settings. At the present time there are no restrictions on file size.

For each document submitted we require:

  1. Company contact details to be incorporated in the document, together with any applicable copyright marking.
  2. The document to have a suitable title.
  3. A short description and a full description of the document content to be provided.
  4. (Optional) An extended description of the content of the document.

If you are unable to submit material at the present time (e.g. awaiting clearance or the supply of technical content) it would help us in our planning if you would please let us know by filling in our web form.

Address for correspondence

Material can be emailed to or mailed to:
Design for Laser Manufacture
Oxford House
100 Ock Street
Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 5DH


AILU Advertising Opportunities

Click here for a comprehensive guide to advertising opportunities in AILU publications. This guide provides all you need to know, whether a member of AILU or not, including opportunities for free advertising for Members.

The AILU office staff will help you place your advertising, press releases, technical articles and application stories to gain optimum exposure in the community, of laser users and suppliers of lasers and laser-related technology in manufacturing, which we serve in the UK and worldwide.

Download or print the Media Guide and prices here