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090826 Steriolithography with pulsed UV laser

Copyright of ©2009 AILU
Copyright of ©2009 AILU
Copyright of ©2009 AILU

The advent of highly reliable, efficient, short pulse UV lasers has lead to their adoption in a wide variety of demanding processes. Attractions of UV processing include: high absorption in most materials; tighter focusing and 'cold' (photoablative) processing.

Recent advances in the design and manufacture of solid state UV lasers, such as the Coherent MATRIX have made these products more efficient and reliable than before. The MATRIX UV series are diode-pumped, solid-state, Q-switched lasers are available with output powers from 0.5 to 1.5 W at 355 nm, and a pulse width in the 10 to 30 nsec range.

One important application that benefits from short pulse UV lasers is stereolithography using a photopolymer resin.....




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